Past works ( 1970 – 2006 ) and
Recent Works ( 2000 – now : Naked New Yorkers, Landscape, New York Sparrows, New Yorkers, Planet and Rivers )
I have been living in New York since 1969. I have devoted all my life to Art, working 24/7 for the last half century.
I opened Rikuro Okamoto Museum in Japan in 2006.
The Museum exhibits my past works. (1970 ~ 2006) It is open to the public 6 days a week.
Museum Home Page :
Museum Reviews by visitors:
Works of this period, 1970 – 2006, are
“Moving Rock” YouTube :
“Moving Rock” Video, The David Bermant Foundation :
Moving Sculptures:
There are three types of moving sculptures.
“Moving Rock” : Rock (original one is in Central Park, New York City) moves very slowly.
“Moving Wall” : Wall ( 6 ft x 8 ft x 2 ft , Italian Marble ) moves very slowly.
“Moving Cube” : Cube (10 x 10 x 10 ft mirror finished stainless steel cube ) moves very slowly.
I took the molds of the rocks at Central Park, New York City with the permission of Central Park Administration Office. Large rock took me and 10 helpers, 10 days to take the mold at the Park. Then I cast the rock with the plastic resin mixed with sand , mica, minerals and pigments. The plastic resin is very dangerous for the health, so I used the best gas mask connected with air compressor to get fresh air. I used best materials for the AC motor and switches. Everything was done very carefully with precise accuracy. 14 and half feet long “Moving Rock” took me two years to complete. I installed permanently these Moving Rocks in several cities in USA. Some of them are still moving every day 10 am-5 pm.
These moving sculptures moves very slowly by the hidden AC motor. Movement is straight back and forth and very slow. I think myself Minimalist.
I made many oil on linen paintings which has many small paintings in one large painting. One of them has 242 small paintings in 6 ft x 12 ft painting and took me two years to complete.
I also made oil on linen paintings with many elements on the background landscape. Titles were “Floating matter -#” “ Elements large and small-#”
I work as a minimalist to achieve the most powerful and beautiful art works.
Collections: Museum of Modern Art , New York City and Wadsworth Atheneum, Conn and other Private collections
「動く岩」のYouTubeは :
The David Bermant Foundation の“ Moving Rock” Videoは:
Copyright © 2018 Rikuro Okamoto, all rights reserved.
I have been living in New York City for 50 years since 1969. New York is the city of powerful diversity. I am one of the New Yorkers.
“Dancing New Yorkers”: New Yorkers are dancing gracefully & freely without any weakness, sadness or cruelty.
“Naked New Yorkers” are the beautiful & powerful physical bodies, which don’t have any trifle & foolish weakness. More than six hundred bodies are completed.
“ Dancing New Yorkers” はニューヨーカーたちが俗塵から解き放たれて軽々と踊っている無垢で強靭な人間の姿を描いています。
20世紀絵画世界は、 絵画は終わった、という浅い未熟な俗物の言葉が蔓延し、ほとんどのアーティスト及び絵画界が羊の様に従順に洗脳され、稚拙な作品しか生み出していないのは実に不幸な世紀でした。そういう時代の流れに交わらず、絵画は終わっているどころではない、オリジナリティと力強さと面白さに溢れ、真に成熟した作品はまだまだいくらでも可能性は無限であると日々闘志を燃やし、制作を半世紀にわたって続けています。
“Naked New Yorkers” は瑣末な俗塵を全て振るい捨てた人間たちの強靭な肉体を描き続けて600人を超えています。
List of Works:
Dancing New Yorkers-0-1: Oil on linen, 36 in x 96 in /90 cm x 240 cm
Dancing New Yorkers-0-2: Oil on linen, 22 in x 72 in /55 cm x 180 cm
Dancing New Yorkers-1: Oil on linen, 22 in x 72 in /55 cm x 180 cm
Dancing New Yorkers-2: Oil on linen, 17 in x 72 in /42.5 cm x 180 cm
Dancing New Yorkers-3: Oil on linen, 22 in x 72 in /55 cm x 180 cm
Dressed New Yorkers-1 : Oil on Linen, 22 in. x 72 in. /55 cm. x 180 cm
Dressed New Yorkers-2 : Oil on Linen, 22 in. x 72 in. /55 cm. x 180 cm
Dressed New Yorkers-3 : Oil on Linen, 22 in. x 72 in. /55 cm. x 180 cm
Dressed New Yorkers-4 : Oil on Linen, 27 in. x 168 in. /67.5 cm. x 420cm
50 Naked New Yorkers, Oil on Linen, 20 in. x 144 in. / 50 cm. x 360 cm
25 Naked New Yorkers, Oil on Linen, 20 in. x 84 in. / 50 cm x 210 cm
35 Naked New Yorkers, Oil on Linen, 20 in. x 96 in. / 50 cm x 240 cm
96 Naked New Yorkers, Oil on Linen, 6 ½ in. x 108 in. / 16 cm x 270 cm
69 Naked New Yorkers, Oil on Linen, 6 ½ in. x 108 in. / 16 cm x 270 cm
54 Naked New Yorkers, Oil on Linen, 6 ½ in. x 52 in. / 16 cm x 130 cm
51 Naked New Yorkers, Oil on Linen, 6 ½ in. x 52 in. / 16 cm x 130 cm
29 Naked New Yorkers, Oil on Linen, 6 ½ in. x 30 in. / 16 cm x 75 cm
27 Naked New Yorkers, Oil on Linen, 6 ½ in. x 30 in. / 16 cm x 75 cm
Copyright © 2018 Rikuro Okamoto, all rights reserved.
For decades, I have travelled in many countries: USA, Africa, Amazon, Mongolia, Greece, Turkey, Costa Rica and others. All of these landscapes sit quietly under the huge sky.
If you see from some distance these paintings connected together, you will see one large landscape.
There are two type of “Landscape” paintings : 21 Large paintings (8 in. x 90 in. each) and 25 Small paintings (6 in. x 26 in. each)
These are oil on Linen paintings.
“Landscape” : Large paintings, Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 90 in. / 20 cm x 225 cm each
“Landscape” : Small paintings, Oil on Linen, 6 in. x 26 in. / 15 cm x 65 cm each
“ Landscape” Oil and sand on canvas and board 7 ft × 23 ft / 210 cm x 690 cm
Collection of Tokyo Institute of Technology /at Century Memorial Hall
210センチx 690センチ の作品「風景」は23枚の風景から構成されています。アメリカ、ギリシャ、トルコ、モンゴルなどの各地の風景が、少し離れて見ると大きな一つの「風景」として見えて来ます。
Copyright © 2018 Rikuro Okamoto, all rights reserved.
I have been living in Manhattan for the last 50 years. I meet New York Sparrows every day. They live wild and free, not in the cage. They have known me so many years and come to meet me every morning on the street and at the Madison Square Park.
Each individual sparrow is so different from each other in color, size, shape and shades. This diversity of the individual is the same diversity as human New Yorkers.
List of works:
“14 New York Sparrows”, Oil on Linen, 4 in. x 30 in. / 10 cm x 75 cm
“26 New York Sparrows”, Oil on Linen, 12 in. x 90 in. / 30 cm x 225 cm
“32 New York Sparrows”, Oil on Linen, 12 in. x 90 in. / 30 cm x 225 cm
“20 New York Sparrows”, Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 48 in. / 20 cm x 120 cm
“23 New York Titmouse”, Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 60 in. / 20 cm x 150 cm
Copyright © 2018 Rikuro Okamoto, all rights reserved.
I have been living in New York City for a half century. I am one of the New Yorkers.
There are so many interesting and colorful New Yorkers. I have continued to paint these New Yorkers.
Each of these paintings is 6 in. x 11 in / 15 cm x 27.5 cm., oil on linen.
There are more than 40 finished paintings. The numbers of these paintings is glowing everyday.
There is a map of “New Yorkers”.
Copyright © 2018 Rikuro Okamoto, all rights reserved.
I have walked this planet for over five decades. My art is created to observe and meditate on the world.
“Long Walk Through the Planet ” Oil on Linen, 18 in. x 144 in. / 45 cm x 360 cm. 1990~2024
“Long Walk Through the Cloud” Oil on Linen, 18 in. x 144 in. / 45 cm x 360 cm
“Long Walk Through the Continent” Oil on Linen, 18 in. x 144 in. / 45 cm x 360 cm
“Long Walk Through the Space ” Oil on Linen, 18 in. x 144 in. / 45 cm x 360 cm.
“River -1 “ Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 46 in. / 20 cm x 115 cm
“River -2 “ Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 46 in. / 20 cm x 115 cm
“River -3 “ Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 46 in. / 20 cm x 115 cm
“River -4 “ Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 46 in. / 20 cm x 115 cm
“River -5 “ Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 46 in. / 20 cm x 115 cm
“River -6 “ Oil on Linen, 3 in. x 23 in. / 7.5 cm x 57.5 cm
“River -7 “ Oil on Linen, 3 in. x 29 in. / 7.5 cm x 72.5 cm
“River -8 “ Oil on Linen, 4 in. x 23 in. / 10 cm x 57.5 cm
“River -9 “ Oil on Linen, 4 in. x 23 in. / 10 cm x 57.5 cm
“River -10 “ Oil on Linen, 4 in. x 23 in. / 10 cm x 57.5 cm
“River -11 “ Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 84 in. / 20 cm x 210 cm
“River -12 “ Oil on Linen, 8 in. x 84 in. / 20 cm x 210 cm
“River -13 “ Oil and sand on Linen and wood, 3.5 in. x 11.5 in. / 8.5 cm x 29 cm
“River -14 “ Oil and sand on Linen and wood, 3.5 in. x 11.5 in. / 8.5 cm x 29 cm
“River -15 “ Oil and sand on Linen and wood, 3.5 in. x 11.5 in. / 8.5 cm x 29 cm
Updated November 24, 2024
Copyright © 2018 Rikuro Okamoto, all rights reserved.